High-Risk Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition that causes many changes in the mother’s body. Sometimes a mother’s health condition can cause a high-risk pregnancy regardless of whether it is due to problems that existed before pregnancy or conditions that occurred during pregnancy. Many diseases that are present before conception, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart, kidney, central nervous system, endocrine, autoimmune, and metabolic diseases, can create risks due to hormonal and systemic changes that occur during pregnancy. For this reason, mothers need to be examined and monitored before pregnancy.

Sometimes the state of health of the fetus itself can be the cause of a high-risk pregnancy can also be. Developmental abnormalities, infections, and problems with the growth of the baby can create risks for pregnancy. It is for this reason that a good examination of the fetus during pregnancy is the key to a healthy birth.

The condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid can also create risks for pregnancy. Cases where the placenta covers the cervix (placenta previa), penetrates the wall of the uterus more than usual (placenta accreta, increta, and percreta), separates before the due date (placenta detachment), etc. are causes of high-risk pregnancy due to the condition of the placenta. Also, the lack or almost complete absence of amniotic fluid creates risks for pregnancy.

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